Our Calendar of Events

For additional information on any of these events, check the latest issue of the NJACE Fanbelt newsletter or send an email to Bob Marlow at RWMarlow@optimum.net

 * Saturday, October 1: Monthly breakfast meeting, at the Empire Diner on Route 46 eastbound in Parsippany, 9:00 AM.  It will include a formal business meeting.  Our business meetings, held four times per year, are never lengthy but are a necessary part of the club's operation.  This month we will be opening nominations for 2023 club officers.  Think about who you’d like to see in office!  Maybe you would like to become an officer!  And remember, each month someone wins a free breakfast - it could be you!

* Saturday, October 8: Octovairfest at the High Point Brewing Company. Complete details on page 2 of the NJACE Fanbelt newsletter for October.  On Saturday, October 8th, NJACE will visit the High Point Brewing Company, just off Rt 23 in Butler, NJ, for swillin, grillin, and chillin.  In addition to sampling the award-winning Ramstein Beer, we’ll be grilling bratwursts, hot dogs, and hamburgers. Food and fun for family and friends!  What is the cost for all this fun?  Nothing!  This event is free of charge for members, friends, and family. Your NJACE membership dues subsidize events like this, so take advantage of it!  (The brewery will be charging for tastings or purchases to go.)  The High Point Brewing Company is located at 22 Park Place, Building #7, Butler, NJ 07405.  In order to purchase the correct amount of food we would appreciate an RSVP to me, by phone at 201-444-1859 or by email at rmarlow4040@gmail.com.

Sunday, October 16:NJACE "Roving Wrenches" session in Kinnelon.   See the details on page 3 of our October newsletter.  Our first Roving Wrenches session in quite some time is set for Sunday, October 16, in the garage of member Gary Cohen in Kinnelon.  Gary has asked for assistance with a number of (hopefully) minor issues with his 1965 Corsa convertible.  To entice us, Gary is doing more than just offering the requisite pizza and soft drinks.  Gary is a serious gearhead, with ten more collector cars, a large collection of vintage diecast cars, and additional automobilia for us to see.  The session will begin at 11:00 AM on Sunday, October 16.  For privacy reasons we are not publishing Gary's address, we ask that if you want to join the session you RSVP to Bob Marlow.  Please contact Bob by voice or text at (201) 444-1859 or by email at rmarlow4040@gmail.com.  Bob will then provide each attendee with the address.

 * Saturday, November 5:  Monthly breakfast meeting, at the Empire Diner on Route 46 eastbound in Parsippany, 9:00 AM.

 Items marked with * are official club events.