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Corvair 95 History

The Corvair 95
Chevrolet's Space Age Panel Truck
Chevy Story cover by Alex C. Mair
Alex C. Mair was responsible for much of the design development and testing of the Corvair-95. His report on the design and features of this revolutionary new vehicle was published by the Society of Automotive Engineers as paper No. 313B in 1961.
Chevrolet's Space Age Panel Truck
Corvair 95 Introduction Press Release
Corvair 95 press release Dated October 2, 1960, this is the news release from Chevrolet introducing its new Corvair-95 line. Corvair-95 Press Release
Happy 30th
30th history cover Dave Newell's 1990 history of the design of the Corvair 95, published in CorvanAntics Vol 18(5). Here he reviews the design history with photos of early designs and prototypes, how the Corvair 95 competed with the Chevy Econoline and other similar vehicles, and factors that lead to its eventual demise. 30th History
Greenbrier Design History
Design History Working from photos provided by the General Motors Media Archive, Tyler Linner describes the development of the Greenbrier design from an early 1957 prototype. Design History
Corvair 95 XP-76 prototype
XP-76 cover Here are two articles about the XP-76 prototype models developed by Chevrolet in 1957. The first article, written by Bob Kirkman's in 1984 describes his unearthing of the XP-76 plaster model and initial speculations about its significance, was in published in CorvanAntics 12(5). This was followed up by a more thorough discussion in 1985 by Historian Dave Newell, published CorvanAntics 1985: Vol 13(1). Photos of the models used for wind tunnels tests were presented in a 1988 CorvanAntics: 16(3) Bob Kirkman article
Dave Newell article
Wind tunnel models
Corvair 95 Styling Buck
rampside buck A styling buck is a full scale wood and clay design model. Both Rad Davis and Kent Sullivan have pages describing photos from 1959 of a rampside-loadside styling buck. Bob Slusher reports disappointment that the large rear window never made it into production. Rad Davis page
Kent Sullivan page
The Chevrolet Story: 1911 - 1961
Chevy Story cover A history of Chevrolet, from early years to dominance in the auto industry, with a showcase of the 1961 models. The links to the right will navigate to the indicated parts of the pdf, which was contributed by Gary Moore. Assembly of the Corvair
Corvair features
Corvair 95