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Corvan Antics Corvanantics cover Corvan Antics is the bi-monthly publication of Corvanatics. Please contact the club Secretary/Treasurer if you miss receiving an issue. Technical material should be sent to the Technical Editor for review. Classified ads are free to Corvanatics members and should be sent to the editor. Display advertising is also available at the following rates: Full Page: $25; Half Page: $15; Quarter Page: $10; Business Card (2 x 3.5): $5; Please submit print-ready or typed copy and pre-payment to the editor. Photos for ads are $6.00 each and can be color or black/white. Authorization and payment must be received for each issue.
Your FC Story

For information about submitting articles to the Corvan Antics newsletter, click here.

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Newsletter Archive

1991 Vol 19 issues 3 and 4 and issues 5 and 6 were combined
1992 Vol 20 issues 1 - 4 were combined
1994 Vol 22 #1 only issue that year
1997 Vol 25 #5 mislabeled as #4

#1 #2 #3

1986 Vols 14 issues 4 and 5 were combined
1988 issue 6 was combined with 1989 issue 1

1973 included Vol 1 issues 5 and 6; and Vol 2 issue 1
1974 included Vol 2 issues 2 - 5

Thanks to Bob Slusher, Hugh Fowler, Russ Thuleen and Jean Allan for providing newsletters for scanning, and to Kent Sullivan for compiling the CorvanAntics 1972-2000 publication history published in the 2000 Vol 28(1) issue.